It's better in the dark

Sending   ripples  into the ether


Just a Burger? ~ Everything you love is problematic

Dave Tierney 〜 2/11/2024

Just because you love something doesn't mean there aren't problems with it.

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Bug squashing ~ The never ending adventure

Dave Tierney 〜 1/25/2024

It seems like with the flip of the calendar to 2024, the bugs have reared their ugly heads.

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Lessons from mycelium

Dave Tierney 〜 1/9/2024

Finding connection and meaning in a increasingly disconnected world.

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Northern Fires ~ Cold weather, hot pizza

Dave Tierney 〜 12/9/2023

Located just off 42nd St and Cedar Ave, somehow this place is a hidden gem. Perfect take out for a cold winter night.

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Being thankful despite the challenges

Dave Tierney 〜 11/24/2023

I find myself feeling incredibly thankful for my life, even though the void feels vast this year. Feel free to skip this.

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Pushing my design creativity with Figma

Dave Tierney 〜 11/21/2023

I have never been much of a designer, or all that artistic. Figma has helped me push my design creativity so I can apply that to my code.

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