It's better in the dark

ripples  about coding


New Astro projects gearing for launch

Dave Tierney 〜 6/4/2024

I have a few more projects in the works that Astro will be a perfect fit for.

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Explorations in Puppeteer and Playwright

Dave Tierney 〜 3/29/2024

I have gotten to stretch my legs and test some new libraries to increase productivity.

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Bug squashing ~ The never ending adventure

Dave Tierney 〜 1/25/2024

It seems like with the flip of the calendar to 2024, the bugs have reared their ugly heads.

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Pushing my design creativity with Figma

Dave Tierney 〜 11/21/2023

I have never been much of a designer, or all that artistic. Figma has helped me push my design creativity so I can apply that to my code.

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Learning WordPress and Python for work

Dave Tierney 〜 10/29/2023

It is always a challenge to learn new things, but more so when they are necessary for work. WordPress and Python present different challenges and enjoyment.

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Comparing Vue and React

Dave Tierney 〜 10/25/2023

I am working with a legacy codebase in Vue.js and comparing that with React.js. I appreciate Vue's stability and simplicity, but I prefer React's flexibility and ecosystem.

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