Weighing different frameworks

It's better in the dark


Weighing different frameworks

Dave Tierney 〜 8/25/2024

This is it neon sign

At this point I am feeling very confident with React, Astro, and Next for developing my projects. Tailwind is my preferred CSS option for styling. I feel comfortable with the various integrations and I have even tried using both with as headless CRM. I am hearing alot about other options now like Svelte, Go, HTMX, Alpine, and others. Is it worth my time exploring these other options?

What it comes down to is the purpose of the project. I think it would be more than worth my while to do some small experiments with these other frameworks to see how the syntax compares to what I am familar with. However, when it comes to shipping projects, I will continue to stick with what I know. I even feel pretty comfortable with building with basic HTML, JavaScript, with a splash of jQuery. So much of the web is built with these “older” technologies and I think it is important to have a strong understanding with them.

I do want to continue to grow my skills and improve. At this point I think it is still much more beneficial to continue to build with what I know. If a project comes up that demands a different framework due to the requirements, I will be eager to learn and adapt. Until then, I will continue to build with what I know.