Do what you love ~ A personal reminder

It's better in the dark


Do what you love ~ A personal reminder

Dave Tierney 〜 7/31/2024

Do what you love neon sign

My 42nd birthday is fast approaching. No major plans this year, which is what I generally prefer. That isn’t really the point of this ripple. This is the time of year that I feel the sand moving through the hourglass the most. It’s important to make time to do what you love, or at least try your best.

Ever since I was a kid, my birthday always felt bittersweet. I looked forward to the day but also dreaded the approaching school year. As an adult with a job, it hits a little differently. I am still looking to cram as much into the summer as possible. I have had a lot of fun this summer, but there are still things I want to do. I’m looking back at this year happy to accomplish a lot of projects and goals, but unfortunately, I have missed out on some things I wish I hadn’t.

Do to some various illness I missed an opportunity to spend time with my grandpa this summer. I know a lot of people can relate to that, especially if you lived through Covid. You just never know what the last chance you will have to be with your loved ones. Balancing making things better for yourself in the future and what is enjoyable now is challenging. I’m trying to be more mindful of how I’m spending my time. Fortunately, I have gotten a lot accomplished this year, and I’m eager to focus a bit more time on me.

Keep on doing what you love and don’t take for granted the time you still have. I’m going to go outside and enjoy the stars now.