Comparing Vue and React

It's better in the dark


Comparing Vue and React

Dave Tierney 〜 10/25/2023

Better way neon sign

My first professional experience with a JavaScript framework was with Vue.js. The project was a legacy codebase that was built with Vue 2, and I was apprehensive about immediately learning a new framework after just getting comfortable with React.js. It didn’t take long to see the similarities, learn about some each frameworks’ strengths and weaknesses, and in to the project to make my required updates.

Even though I didn’t care for the aesthetics of the project, as it used a front-end framework that I had a bit of experience with, it did make it helpful that I could focus purely on functionality. I particularly like the separation between directives and components in Vue. I thought the learning curve for Vue was a bit easier than React, and was easier to manage state, especially with the ability to emit events from child components to parent components.

I appreciate the documentation of Vue, and with its stablility it makes it more conducive to long term projects. There is however, a bit of a smaller community of developers, especially in the US. React tends to change and update quicker, but it has been massivly adopted by the developer community. React seems to have more resources and tutorials available, so its easier to find answers to more complex problems.

Both frameworks are great, and moving forward I would likely make a pros and cons list based on that project’s needs. Then I would base my decision on which framework would be the best fit for that project. I would also consider the team that I would be working with, and what their experience is with each framework. I would also consider the project’s timeline, and if there is a need to get a project up and running quickly, or if there is a need for a more stable and long term solution.