Next and TypeScript

It's better in the dark


Next and TypeScript

Dave Tierney 〜 10/10/2023

Level up neon sign

I have used Next.js and TypeScript for several recent projects. It has been a huge learning curve but I enjoy learning the benefits to these types of tools. It can be very challenging at times as well. Usually though, the struggle pays off with a more secure devloper process.

The Next.js framework is a powerful and helpful tool to create a enterprise level React application. There are so many modules and features available to help you build a robust application. I may be a little bit in over my head in using such a complex framework for my fairly simple projects, but more tools in the toolbelt is a plus. Reinforcing my codebase with TypeScript ensures I can prevent any possible errors to the end user.

I appreciate there is a lot of documentation and support for these tools. One of the the biggest benefits to using this technology is a super easy and fast deployment process. I can deploy my application to Vercel or Netlify with a simple push to my GitHub repository.

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static type definitions. It is a great tool to help prevent errors in your code. It is a little bit of a learning curve to get used to the syntax and the way it works. I am still learning the best practices and how to use it to its full potential. I am enjoying the challenge though.

I am hoping these tools will help me to stand out as a developer. Building small scale projects but using an enterprise level technology can help demonstrate my abilities and willingness to learn more complex things.