Staying sharp ~ Talking about knives this time

It's better in the dark


Staying sharp ~ Talking about knives this time

Dave Tierney 〜 11/16/2023

Craft neon sign

When working in the restaurant industry, I frequently preached that a sharp knife is a safe knife. In fact, I have used sharp implements in most of the jobs I have had in my career. A sharp knife moves through matrial quickly, smoothly and with less effort. I have also carried a pocket knife on me for the last couple decades, there are so many times its been useful.

I have been practicing sharpening my knives at home more recently, and experimenting with various ways of getting that job done. There are many tools you can use to sharpen knives, but I prefer to use wet stones. They can sharpen at any angle, remove minimal material, but also require a fair amount of skill. Grinders and sharpening belts might get the job done faster, but will take a lot more of the blade if you aren’t careful.

I particularly like it for my kitchen knives, as I can get them razor sharp, and keep them that way. Some of my pocket knives are a little more challening as they have various blade shapes and angles. There are a lot of knife sharpener tools, but though they are easier to use, they can be limited in the variety of implements they can sharpen.

I also have a Work Sharp sharpener. I am not as practiced with this tool, but I think it could be a more efficient option, I will just need to be careful and maybe practice with some of my beater pocket knives first.

Having a sharp knife is helpful in many situations. As a pocket knife carrier, I also have become a bit of a collector. I plan on sharing more thoughts about pocket knives in the future. Stay sharp!