Give and take ~ Learning reciprocity

It's better in the dark


Give and take ~ Learning reciprocity

Dave Tierney 〜 12/10/2024

Everything neon sign

Our family has always participated in the consumerism of the holiday season. I am so thankful that we are fortunate enough to be safe, well fed, and have a comfortable roof over our heads. After discussing how we can show our appreciation for eachtoher, we have agreed to minimize material gift giving and focus on our time together.

I am glad we have made this agreement, but not because we just don’t need more stuff. I have always understood that the captialist way of going through life, aquiring more money and status, has never been particularly appealing to me. The last couple of years has given me time to reflect on how I live my life and why this isn’t my guiding principle. The wonders of nature have always given me a much greater sense of fulfillment than any material objects.

The true give and take is between us as humans and the world around us. We take so much from the world, and we need to give back. I have been trying to give back in small ways, but I know I can do more. I am grateful for the time I have had to reflect on this and I am excited to see how I can continue to give back to the world around me. My efforts may be small, I have just one life’s efforts to give. I want to show my appreciation for everything we have been given, and that we have taken without reciprocity.

It feels like the time might be running out.