Starting a new journey
Dave Tierney 〜 8/15/2023

If you have made it to this page, thank you very much! I am very excited to start this new journey and I hope you will join me. I have been working in the tech industry for almost 2 years now, but I have never really put my thoughts out there. A Dead Journal from 2002 certainly doesn’t count. I am hoping that this will help me to grow as a developer and push my creativity. I don’t want to have a narrow focus and perhaps this will just be for me, but I will just have to find out.
I have worked in many different industries, tried a lot of different things, and constantly tried to keep learning in my life. For many reasons, I am very happy to be where I am now. I will always think about choices in the past, and how my life could be different, but I don’t let that slow me down or regret what I have learned. The goal is to keep moving foward and have fun along the way.
Finding my way in to programming seems to be an intellectual zenith for how my mind works and how I process the world. There are rules, things make sense, but there is still somehow room for creativity and unique problem solving. There is also this constant feeling of being on a precipice where the next step is more discovery. And I can do all that in slippers and sweatpants while snuggling with my dogs. I feel very lucky to be where I am.
Doing this kind of work as my day job, and new hobby, allows me to keep doing all the other things I love to do as well. If you check out the rest of my website you will get an understanding of that. I still very much enjoy doing things with my hands and having other creative outlets, but this line of work gives me the best opportunity of doing all the things I want.
So thank you again for checking out this website, and learning more about me. Please feel free to reach out to me and maybe my journey can inspire others to make their world more the way they want it to be. Cheers!