Lessons from mycelium
Dave Tierney 〜 1/9/2024

I have been seeking connectivity in each activity and skill I work on. A meaning behind why I do what I do. I have also been reading about mycelium and how nature is evolved to perfectly balance resources. There is a thread here, I swear, and I don’t just mean by tripping.
To be clear, I have been reading about mycelium but I am no expert. The lesson I have taken is that everything is interconnected, and always have been. The mycelium network is the largest organism on the planet, and it is all connected. It is the internet of the nature.
The biggest difference between modern human connectivity versus the nature, is what we do with resources. Nature takes the fuel of the sun, converts it to energy, and gives it away. We humans have a slightly more selfish approach. We take the fuel of the sun, convert it to energy, and keep it for ourselves or wasting it.
I hope I can use my skills guided by the lessons from mycelium to give back. I don’t want to take or waste. The system is just not particularly set up for that. Sometimes this perspective isn’t encouraged by our system. I want to live the lesson, “They tried to bury us, but they didn’t know we were seeds.”